Monday, September 17, 2012

7.2 mi run

Yesterday Stephen and I went for a 7.2 mile run after our intramural Ultimate frisbee game (which our team won!). I had a stitch in my side starting around the 2.5-mile mark and later around the 5-mile mark. I don't know if it's just because it's been awhile since I last ran or because I was tired after frisbee. I also wore my knee wrap just because it was bothering me a bit at the game on Saturday.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

4.1 mi run

I feel bad because I haven't posted a blog in forever, mostly because it means I haven't exercised in forever. I've been a bit stressed out and busy with marching band and classes the past few weeks. Unfortunately, I've been letting that get in the way of my personal well-being. So the goal from here on out is to not let that happen. I started by going on a 4.11 mile run this evening. I got to try out the new running watch my parents got me for my birthday. I ran for 37:35, so my pace was about 9:08 per mile. It's not the best, but I didn't really expect any better after taking two weeks off. So the goal is to keep ramping up my distance and time before the Des Moines half in October. I'm also going to take a look at the Zumba schedule and try to fit that in at least once a week!