Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Color Run

My friends and I ran the Color Run in Indianapolis this weekend. It was super fun and hardly felt like exercise (maybe because a lot of people walked, so we weren't going very fast!). Still, I love that there are ways to make running even more fun!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

4.7 mi treadmill run

I seem to alternate between laying out at the pool and running at the gym. I positively love the lazy river... I could just float for hours! Today was a gym day, though, and I wish it was a pool day! I ran 4.7 miles (in 40 minutes), which is quite a ways when you're really not going anywhere. I needed to run though, because I'm doing the Color Run in Indianapolis with three of my besties this weekend! I cannot wait for such a fun run, and a weekend with my girls is always bound to be a success! I'll post pictures next week!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

3.5 mi treadmill run

Treadmills are just not my favorite... but they do the trick! It was super hot today, so I went to the rec center to do my running. I got in 3.5 miles in 30 minutes. I actually felt really good while running, though I was sweating up a storm! I think it must be the humidity, because I was dripping! Okay, too much information... but anyways, it was nice to get a little workout in. Tomorrow is a Zumba day, so I'm looking forward to that!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Kosama Warrior Water Run

This weekend one of my best friends and I did the Kosama Warrior Water Run at Sleepy Hollows Sports Park in Des Moines.  I was quite nervous; it's only a 5K, but there were 30 obstacles throughout the course! We started off by running through a puddle of mud and over a dirt mound... then into a stream!  My favorite part was "dumpster diving" because it was basically swimming through dumpsters covered with a tarp and filled with water. It was so hot and humid, so the water felt nice! The only part we couldn't really do was this rope climb (due to the mud which made getting a good foot hold non-existent!). Thankfully, some guy was nice enough to pull us up! We ended by going down the huge Slip and Slide at the end. Confession: I had to push myself about halfway down before I really got going.  But man! The second half was fun! J-Gaff and I finished in 49.30 and actually tied for 4th for the female 20-24 age division, so we were happy! I was quite tired by the end, and my arms are still sore. 
With our warrior headbands!

Our socks and shoes were quite gross
The great thing about the race was that it was an exciting way to exercise! So get out there, and make it fun!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2.87 mi run

So much for slowly increasing my's just so hard to run for long periods of time when you only have your iPod to keep you company.  This run was a bit rough (probably because I drank a root beer shortly about 2 hours before running).  I try not to buy pop, but my mom sent me with an assorted 12-pack of cans that included Vanilla Coke, A&W Root Beer, and caffeine-free Dr. Pepper at the beginning of the summer.  And I love her for picking out my favorite pops!  I just know it's not great for runners...

But here's a quick happiness thing; I spent most of this past weekend in cut-off jean shorts and flip flops and LOVED IT!  I'm normally not a flip flop person and usually dress up more, but I just had a relaxing "do nothing" weekend with my family.  It was so great!

Monday, July 9, 2012

4.76 mi run

I went for a nice 4.76-mile run this evening, since the weather was actually decent (meaning it was 81 degrees).  I drank a lot of pop over the weekend, so this run was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be! I ran it in about 40 minutes.  I had no problems with my knee, which was wonderful!

I also did Zumba this morning.  We added some new songs, like "Where Have You Been" by Rihanna and "Sexy and I Know It" by LMFAO, which I enjoyed.  It's a great way to get pumped up for the day!

I also went on a three mile walk with my mom the other day.  She's going to walk the Des Moines IMT Half Marathon with my aunt and my little sister in October (my twin sister, uncle, and I are going to run it).  It's always good exercise, but my favorite part of the walk is getting to talk to my mom.  That's something that just makes me so happy.  

Friday, July 6, 2012

2-something mi jog

Yesterday I caved and ran on a treadmill... okay, jogged on a treadmill (I was sooo slow!).  I started at 6 mph and slowly worked up.  I just don't like that you can't set your own pace.  Still, I ran for 20 minutes and went a little over 2 miles (see? slow).  I was sweating a lot, though, and my ponytail was falling out.  After jogging, I did some ab workouts and a few arm workouts to supplement the short run.  I was just glad for a chance to work out!

I'm going home this weekend (yayyyy!).  I like Grinnell, but there is absolutely NOTHING to do on the weekends.  At least if there's nothing to do at home, I can do nothing with my family!  Talk about happiness! :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

2.06 mi run

It was a short one today!  I was going to go for a run around 7:30 this evening, but the heat index was 104!  I waited an hour, but even when I returned from my jog, the heat index was 94.  Oofta!  That's one reason why I kept this one short.  The other reason was that this was my "make up for all the horrible things you ate and all the exercise you didn't do over the weekend" run (in other words, I needed a quick jog to get it out of my system and get back in the habit of exercising).  My stomach was hurting by the end, so I am glad I didn't try to go any longer.

I also did some ab workouts today!  I just did the basic crunches/bicycles/plank things we do in Zumba to "I Like It" by Enrique Iglesias.